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Why AIC?
AI is potentially the most powerful technology humans have ever invented. The machines we invented to do our physical work for us eventually surpassed humans in strength and speed, and we believe that AI will eventually do that for mental work as well. But despite the vast possibilities of AI, in many places the industry seems stuck. According to the McKinsey “State of AI 2022” report, AI has hit an adoption plateau. How do we move forward?
The answer can be found in Robert Wright’s excellent book from the early 2000s, “Nonzero.” The premise of the book is that humanity moves forward when we find a way to play nonzero sum games. In those situations, everyone benefits. So we asked ourselves, how do we apply the ideas of “Nonzero” to AI? The answer we came up with is simple – better community.
Community on the web has turned into something negative. It seems to always lead to spammy monetization, intrusive notifications, and misaligned incentives. Our vision for the AI Innovator’s Community is that it actually puts community first. Our goal is to connect people, industries, and organizations in ways that have no agenda other than to learn and grow, and thus can lead to those nonzero sum outcomes.
AI is an unusual technology, because unlike anything that came before it, AI tools can learn and adapt. We don’t have good mental models for thinking about what that means and how best to apply it. We need this type of connection so that we can learn from each other, better understand where AI is going, and collaborate on long term visions around all types of outcomes.
This community began in 2015 in Boston with a small dinner of entrepreneurs working on AI. It grew to larger events as more and more people looked to connect and learn. In 2022 we decided to formalize these events into a more structured community so that other cities could participate, and we could have a bigger impact across all our community members. That is our goal.
We are the AI Innovators Community – We are here to aid your Creation, Comprehension, Career, and Company when it comes to applied AI.
AIC is where AI comes to scale.
AIC Member Qualification
AIC is designed for leaders, senior executives, innovators and founders who are changing businesses and industries.
We are intentional about curating a diverse and dynamic community centered in belonging where members can cross-pollinate ideas and networks.
An established career of 10+ years’ and a role as a C-level executive, Founder, VP, or your organization’s equivalent.
Experience and perspective that contribute to the cognitive diversity of our community.
A proven track record of on-the-job influence and leadership.
A demonstrated history of supporting others along the way.
If you think you belong here, please contact us or follow simple steps below:
Step 1 – Search for AIC members on LinkedIn
Step 2 – Connect with a few members
Step 3 – Network and request an invite
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Community Members
AI Innovators, Operators & Leaders
AI Entrepreneurs
Founders, Co-founders of AI Companies